Our services include:
- Market intelligence
- Evaluation of synergies between potential buyers and suitable acquisition targets and joint venture partners, respectively
- classical Mergers and Acquisitions
- Divestments (of non-core business units)
- Spinning-off group divisions that can develop their value potential more effectively as independent entities.
- Planning and Negotiating of Joint Venture agreements
- Takeover defence and shareholder activism
For Asian Investors: Search for the right targets and advice on the specific investment conditions (tax benefits, subsidies etc) in the various European countries
Searching for a strategic partner or a financial investor:
If you are thinking of winning an investor for your company who will support its development or offer individual shareholders the opportunity to sell their shares we are in a position to structure and present your company in a way that it becomes attractive to as many investors as possible.
In due course we will select the right strategic partner or financial investor who corresponds best with your objectives and assist in negotiating the conditions for a share or an asset deal. In order to identify suitable investors we will generate a competitiveness promoting climate of negotiation among potential buyers and thus find the most appropriate buyer.